About the Program

The Aboriginal Criminal Courtwork Program assists accused offenders to better understand their rights, options and responsibilities when appearing before the courts, through the guidance of a Courtworker.

Assistance is provided in the following ways:

  • Court accompaniment
  • Ensuring the person understands their right to speak for themselves or retain legal counsel;
  • Explanation of the charges and court orders against the accused;
  • Explanation of the philosophy and process of the criminal justice system;
  • Completion of an assessment and developing a plan of action to identify issues which brought the person before the court;
  • Referrals to Friendship Centre programs and other Aboriginal and non-aboriginal community services;
  • Advocating for Aboriginal people to be diverted outside of the court process and to address issues which brought them before the court;
  • Responding to problems caused by communication barriers that exist between Aboriginal people and those who are involved in the administration of the justice system;

Aboriginal Combined Courtworker:
Olga Moline-Halchuk • ext. 224 • olgam@ngfc.net