About the Program

The Mental Health & Addictions Program offers a cultural space for individuals challenged by addictions issues to find the help they need in moving towards a healthier lifestyle. The program offers:

  • One-on-one consultation regarding treatment options, treatment centres, non-aboriginal health services as well as meeting and understanding doctors instructions and notes for prescriptions;
  • Culturally based services and support groups, including wholistic healing through medicine wheel teachings on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, and participation in cultural activities.

Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Worker:
Tanya Necan  | 737-1903 ext 229 / Work Cell :  738-3069

Needle Exchange Program

NEP Poster

 The Needle Exchange Program (NEP) is a part of the Nishnawbe-Gamik Friendship Centres Mental Health & Addictions Program.

The program provides sterile and clean equipment to people who use drugs in order to decrease the spread of blood-borne infections (HIV, Hepatitis B and C) to people who use drugs.

Needle exchanges are sometimes the only contact people who use drugs have with community agencies. By helping keep people who use drugs healthy, we keep our community healthy and increase the likelihood of individuals seeking treatment.

The Needle Exchange Program is free and anonymous.